Black Hole as Metaphor

Please feel free to move about this digital (blog) space, the further you go, the more you’ll understand; just click on my name at the top of the post to be redirected to the soft hair (full blog), where you can scroll as far as you’d like.

You’ll work backwards through time to an origin point. You might notice that the 2022 Black Hole as Metaphor or BHM Journey ends/begins at the post titled Welcome! You can stop there if you like, or continue – its up to you.

The posts preceding this one should help you to understand the density of the BHM, but if you’d rather not scroll, you can read my self evaluation here which outlines the premise:

I hope you enjoy!


Hello! My name is Kyra-Sky, I useThey/Them pronouns and I make things.

This digital space, serves as an archive for ideas thoughts and concepts. The work finds its way here through conduit/body/myself, and upon its publishing becomes an active extension of me, the work is considered, imagined, researched, expressed and finalised here – my metaphorical and/or digital “soft hair”*.

Navigating through this space is different to how one might navigate a book or picture (from the west), instead reading from newest down to oldest – imagine (hypothetically) the stretch of non-space from a black hole’s “flat front” (its shadow), then (supposing in this scenario that you wouldn’t be immediately spaghettified) consider how one might traverse said black hole, slipping into denser and denser space before arriving at the singularity; that is how time and digital matter operate here.

Work and research found here should be thought of as an accumulation of mass, in the same way that a black hole accumulates objects and energy which slip though it’s boundaries. Contrary to popular belief, black holes do not suck or take things from outside of their boundaries, instead, objects falling into the black hole’s centre of gravity continue to fall as they would towards any gravitational object, region or phenomenon.

*Soft Hair is a term to describe the data storage mechanisms of a black hole.